Tuesday, June 24, 2008


we are going to Montana for a week to visit my aunt and g-ma cuz my aunt just got diagnosed w/cancer:(

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

out of my mind

i confuse myself sometimes . like i don't even know myself and its hard cuz then when people call me something i cant say im not like that cuz i really don't know.


sometimes you want to love someone so much it hurts. but you don't know how too

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Sometimes it hurts to have best friend but other times they help you through the pain.
It all evens out in time.
Some friendships hurt more than they help.
Some friendships end as soon as they start.
Some friends are there when you need them,
but others are busy with their own life.
Friends are supposed to love you like family,
but they end up hating your guts.
Even when you're down they still hang around.
They still need you.
Some "friends" fake like they're a true friend.
You tell them things, and they hurt you with it.
They try to break your heart.
But a good friend will always be there through heart breaks and boys.
Everyone needs a good friend.